We Buy Houses In Toledo As is, Any Condition.

Sell Your House As-is Fast and Easy in the Toledo area.

No Hassle, No Fees, No Commissions, No Closing Costs.

The Drossman Group is here to help you sell your house fast as is in Toledo Ohio! Get an Offer in as little as 24 Hours. No fees or Commissions.   

We specialize in solving complicated real estate matters and have been helping families and rebuilding neighborhoods for years, we are sure we can assist you.

We have helped sellers deal with, inherited properties, divorce, foreclosure avoidance, sudden moves any problem forcing the sale of a home as is.

We buy houses as-is any condition and price range in the Toledo Ohio Area!

Call us today to discuss your property 419-777-6848 – or please feel free to complete the form below.

Sell Your Home Fast With Us
Get a Quick Offer Once You Contact Us!

    Seller Name (required)
    Seller Email (required)
    Seller Phone
    Seller Address
    Property Address
    Property Location
    Asking Price
    Property Type
    Property Detail - What is the Square Footage?
    Property Detail - What can you tell me about the property?
    Property Detail - Are you the only person on title?
    Repairs Needed - Does your property need any repairs?
    Mortgage Balance - How much do you currently owe on the property?
    Monthly Payment - What is your current monthly payment on your loan?
    (If No)How far behind are you?
    What are you going to do with your property if it doesn't sell?
    Property Image 1: (jpg|png|gif)
    Property Image 2: